Remaja Islam Penerus Bangsa

About Us

This page should contain detailed information about this web project, about your business, products and services, that you are offering. Focus on your qualities, describe the history of your company, cerificates and awards.

You can highlight important information or announcements in text like this.

History of project

In this part you can describe the project's history and give reasons for its creation. It is convinient to mention project milestones and honor participating people.

Our users

Here you can describe a typical user and why this project is important to them. It is good to motivate your visitors so that they come back to your website.


Kampus SMPN 14 Bandung - Jalan Lapangan Supratman No.8 Bandung

Search site


04/01/2009 04:10


BAKSOS RISMA 14 atau kependekkan dari BAKTI SOSIAL REMAJA ISLAM MASJID SMPN 14 BANDUNG Tahun 1430 H direncanakan akan dilaksanakan saat semester kedua dimulai. BAKSOS RISMA 14 ini adalah bentuk bakhti RISMA14 terhadap sesama sesuai dengan anjuran Al-Quran dan Hadits Rasulullah SAW. Mudah-mudahan...
04/01/2009 04:09


Bandung (1/4) Akhir-akhir ini sedang gembor-gembornya wacana tentang PENYULUHAN HARI VALENTINE di kalangan pengurus RISMA14 . Hal ini tentu wajib dibahas terlebih dahulu secara intern dalam pengurus RISMA14 dan dibahas bersama dengan DEWAN PEMBINA. Usulan pengadaan penyuluhan ini dicetuskan oleh...

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